Monday, November 5, 2012

Just A Letter

Hebrews 12:2- "We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete..." (CEV)

              For as long as I can remember, I have always been a writer. I’ve written stories, journal entries, poems, and even songs, but writing letters has always been my favorite.  Talking has never been my thing, but when I write I feel myself pouring myself onto the pages, expressing all my thoughts and emotions. I never expected God to use this gift to benefit someone else.
                Sometime in high school, I started attending my church’s youth group. My youth group was pretty exclusive and members unintentionally left others out. When I came to the events, I kept noticing a specific girl. Let’s called her AJ.  AJ was quiet, appearing sad and out of place when I saw her. God really put her on my heart and I prayed for her unsure of what to do. Then, I decided to send her a letter.
                Now I don’t remember what was in that letter, but it wasn’t for another year that I found out how much it had meant. The youth at my church participated in a weekend event called Teens Encountering Christ (TEC), and during the event, team members give short devotions to the group. During this particular weekend, AJ was giving a devotion. She started talking about TEC and how much it had impacted her life, letting her see God’s love. Then, without warning, AJ said that the only reason she had come to the TEC weekend for the first time was because of a letter. She didn’t call me out, but as soon as starting talking about the letter I knew. I had impacted someone with just a pen and paper, not realizing as I wrote that I’d alter someone’s decisions.
                We never know how we’re going to impact someone and what will change someone’s life. If we allow God to guide our actions, we can spread His love.
Please watch the following music video.

                If we view the world through Jesus’ eyes, what would we see? Would we notice those who are hurt, who are crying out? Would we notice places that God could use us? This week, I challenge you to look at the people who pass you, those who stand next to you in line, and those who sit next to you in class. Say a prayer for them and ask God to bless them. Ask God to use you this week and to open your eyes to the world. Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below. God bless.
Dear God, Please break my heart with what breaks Your heart. Let me see what You see when You look at those around me. Lord, move in me so that I can help spread Your love and grace. Challenge me to go outside of my comfort zone and truly help those around me. In Your Name, Amen.
If you have a story about how God has moved through you this week, please comment below and tell us about it!

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