Friday, December 14, 2012

UCM Commercial

 I was unable to get the clip to come up, but here is the UCM Commercial. Just click on the link below and it should take you straight to the site! Thanks!

"Everything" skit

Check out UCM's "Everything" skit! Featuring UCM members: Chris Dutcher, Ashleigh Friend, Cynthia Herrera, Michael Changwe, Rebecca Durand, Aaron Ware, and Tobias Roundtree.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Never Giving Up

Please read Psalm 31:24, 1 Corinthians 13:7, and Romans 12:12.

             God doesn’t give up on us, which is a concept that can be hard to grasp. In our society we treat people “as they deserve.” If they’re cruel to us, we are entitled to be cruel back and vice versa. However the God of the universe wants us, even though we are creatures that curse Him, go against His will and forget Him. How much love must our Father have towards us if He refuses to give up on us?
                I think something to consider, however, is how often do we give up on God? When we pray for days, weeks, months, even years and nothing has changed, what do we do? Do we even make it to months or years? For me, one of the hardest parts of being a Christian is not being able to physically see God. It’s easier to avoid or forget someone that you can’t physically see. You can’t bump into them on the street. You don’t get a phone call from them when they haven’t heard from you in a while. It’s easier to give up.
Reflect on what areas of your faith that you give up easily in. Then, end in prayer.
Dear God, I thank You for all You have done for me. Thank you for never giving up on me even when I didn’t deserve Your patience. I pray that You help me stay patient in my faith and grow to love You deeper. Lord, You know what is in store for me and I pray that I came to You through every storm and every sunny day. In Your Name, Amen.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Listen to the World, Listen to the King

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 ESV.

God calls us to speak to Him through prayer, providing a foundation for a closer relationship with our creator. Every Thursday I will post world and national events for you to pray for. By praying for others around us, not only do we acknowledge their need, but also acknowledge our need for Christ to come into our lives.

Pray for focus during finals and safety as we drive home for the holiday season.
A seven-year-old boy Bangladeshi boy was brutally attacked, beat, and cut open by a gang of four men. Although the boy recovered, he is still afraid to leave the house at night, has nightmares, and continues to carry his scars as a reminder of the attack.
Please pray that this boy will find peace, and that he will find security in God and his family. Pray that he can overcome this experience instead of letting it rule his life.
One family in Syria has been living underground for four months because of the strikes and unrest of their country. To escape the explosions, the family lives in the chamber despite the lack of fresh air or sunlight.
Pray for this family, but also pray for the country of Syria. Pray that peace will come to this country and that the people can feel safe again.
A West Point cadet, Blake Page claims that students participating in religious activities were treated above those who didn’t. Page expressed that he was forced to pray and discriminated against because he was nonreligious.
Pray that our military officers gain wisdom and understanding towards all cadets. Pray that Page’s encounter with forced religion doesn’t deter him from religion all together.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

His Beloved, His Own

I would like you to get a piece of paper and make three lists. In the first list, write adjectives describing how you think others would describe you. In the second, write adjectives you think describe you. In the third, write adjective you think describe how God views you.
                Looking back over the lists, are they different? If so, why? In the last devotional, I discussed how God can see every part of us, even our dark sides. What does your God list reveal? Does this list show the ‘real’ you? Now, look at your lists one more time and ask yourself which list means the most to you.
                I often wonder what God thinks of me. If He had my list, would He write down the same adjectives I did? Would He write down the same as your?
As a part of my “others list,” one of the adjectives I wrote down was quiet. Even when I was little, I was never the social butterfly, never the loud mouth. However I always knew that I wasn’t anti-social, that I liked talking to people and liked getting to know them. Before I could show that side, I was labeled as the quiet girl, the wallflower, and then it became who I was.
Looking over my lists, the word that jumped out at me was a word I had put on the “my list,” which was untrusting. Although I wouldn’t put this word on the “others list,” I think it goes along with why I was so quiet. For a long time, I didn’t trust others, myself, and especially not God. Not making connections with those around me was much easier than being rejected.
Think about how your lists relate to each other. Then, please watch Jason Gray’s video.

                How often are we slaves to how the world views us? When those around us tell us we are ______(fill in the blank), do we listen? Do we let it become who we are?
Please read Colossians 3:1-17.
                We are His beloved, yet is this how we view ourselves? As the Scripture says, we must have compassion, forgiveness, and patience towards those around us, despite how they view us. We are not of this world, but we are of God. Please end in a prayer of your own, or the one below.
Dear God, You have called me Your own, even though I don’t deserve that love. I pray that You give me a more grateful heart so that I can always remember all You have done for me. I wish to care only what You think of me, and not what the world thinks of me because You are my only concern. I take the time now to thank You, to praise Your name, and to open my heart to all You have in store for me. In Your Name Alone, Amen.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Uncovering the Darkness

Please listen to the following video. As you’re watching, imagine that the singer asking if God can love her, not another human being.

                Kelly Clarkson has always been one of my favorite singers; her strong, powerful voice always pushes through melodies like it’s nothing. The song you just listened to is one of her newer songs, which is based on the situational problems people face, or rather their “dark side.” The underlying theme of the song is the need for acceptance, even when it’s not deserved. Even though the song seeks others’ acceptance, it comes close to the same kind of acceptance we ask of God.
                How many times do we look at ourselves and wonder how God could continue to love us? As Clarkson’s lyrics say, “Will you love me?/ Even with my dark side?” Everyone has a part of them that they keep from others, that they guard secretly inside themselves, but how much do we try to cover up those faults?
Please read Job 22:12-14.
                God can see every part of us, what we do, where we go, and who we are. As He watches us from Heaven, we can’t hide from Him. Does this scare you?
                The filth and grim each of us carries doesn’t only show who we are, but shows who God is. Even though we have dark sides, unlovable parts of ourselves, He still calls us His own. So when we ask God, “Will you love me? Even with my dark side?,” He says yes.
                Keeping in mind all that God does for us a daily basis, we should reflect on how grateful we are in response. Do we thank God for His forgiveness? Do we take advantage of His written word? Do we take time out of our schedule to talk to Him?
Please read Job 35: 9-10.
                When we are hurt or need support, it can be easy to come to God for help. However when we are content, do we seek Him out? This week I would like you to reflect on whether you are showing God gratitude for His love. Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below.
Dear God, Despite all I have put You through, You continue to love me. Despite all the times I have forgotten You, You have never forgotten me. Despite every inch of filth in my heart, You continue to call me Your own. I take the time now to thank You for all You have done for me, and will do. You are so holy and so faithful, God. I’m sorry for all the time that I wasn’t faithful to You. I seek Your love, but most importantly, I strive to become more grateful for all You have given me when I deserved nothing. Thank You, Father. Amen.