Sunday, September 16, 2012

Screaming Praises Instead of Pretentiousness

Are your ears bleeding from all the screaming yet? My sister is in love with the new British band, One Direction, and she was watching a video concert of them over the summer. As I briefly stood in the room, I was mortified to watch thousands and thousands of girls screaming and crying when the band came on stage. Watching these girls freak out because of a boy band made me think about how we place specific people on pedestals above everyone else.
But why is that? This summer I had the pleasure of going to my favorite singer, Gavin Degraw’s concert. I was very excited to see him in concert because I had waited so long to. But when he entered the stage, it felt so unreal. It was like this was the proof that, yes, he really was a person. It sounds strange, but when we see people, specifically celebrities, on the television, it’s as if their fame makes them unreal. They’re behind a screen, not next to us, and this makes our connection with them different.
Media reflects celebrities with money, looks, style, and power, which for many of us is unattainable. And because we live in a world that glorifies these attributes, it can be hard to not look up to these figures. We become in awe of what these people hold, even though we should only be in awe of God.
However we are all equal in God’s eyes. “You say that God is your Father, but God does not have favorites! He judges all people by what they do. So you must honor God while you live as strangers here on earth. You were rescued from the useless way of life that you learned from your ancestors. But you know that you were not rescued by such things as silver or gold that don’t last forever. You were rescued by the precious blood of Christ, that spotless and innocent lamb” (1 Peter 1:17-19, CEV). We must never forget that we are not above one another and we must not boast what ourselves or others have. It is Christ that gave us life and it is Christ that deserves our praise.
Take a few moments to think about who you place on a pedestal. Is it certain peers? Singers? Actors/actresses? What characteristics do they have that make them appear above others?
Read Hebrews 13:5, 1 Peter 1:24, and Philippians 3: 18-19. Reflect on what worldly things you admire about those around you. How can you redirect your admirations towards more God-loving characteristics? Please end in the prayer below or your own prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask You to refocus my heart on Your way instead of the world’s. I have admired those with fame, beauty, power, and money; however I want to only admire those of seeking Your light. You love all of Your people and I ask You to help me see people as equal instead of below or above me. Let only Your light guide me. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have the Bieber Fever, but I caught some other "bugs" shall we say...well spoken!
