Monday, November 26, 2012

Restart, Rejuvenate, Refresh

                Sometimes life slowly changes before your eyes, so visible you can see the changes progressing, but life can also hurl you off the edge without warning, leaving you in a state of shock. The latter happened this past week; I received a phone call about the death of my best friend’s father, someone I had known since I was eight.
 During the Thanksgiving break I attended the funeral service with a heavy heart. As I sat in the pew, I tried to envision every memory I had of him.  He had always been a man of great wit, strong opinions and a trick up his sleeve without fail. More than once he convinced me something absurd was true and factual, when in fact it was anything but. As gullible as I am, I believed him every time while my best friend rolled her eyes next to me. But the strongest memory of his personality was his faith. He was one of the strongest examples of a role model Christian I have seen, always focusing on the Christian aspect of the situation. God gave him musical talents and he used them in church, singing in choir and playing piano. Even while he’s gone, he’s still impacting my life, showing me how I should appreciate life and how I should live for Jesus.
                We must search for those who live out Jesus’ name. I should also mention that our example should always be Jesus Christ, not role model Christians because even the ‘best’ Christians make mistakes. But I think if we find people that live their lives for God, pushing their faith deeper and deeper so that it becomes all they are, we can find spiritual support. It also humanizes what we can become through Jesus.
Please read Acts 7:54-60.
                What has always stuck out to me about this passage is the last line Stephen says before he dies. He says, “Lord, don’t blame them for what they have done” (CEV). Imagine how much faith this man must have had to be able to pray for his murderers as they were stoning him to death. He lived his life, even his last moments for God.
Reflect on your faith. Who in your life has been a Christian role model? How can you become one?
                Everyone needs a refresher, something that pulls so hard on your heart that it changes you, makes you want to readjust your life. For me, I really needed to reflect on my life and how I was living out my faith, including how it might be impacting those around me. What will it take for you to refresh your faith? Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below.
Dear Lord, Sometimes I take Your love for granted and I don’t always reflect on how I’m living. Please bless me with a refreshed faith, that I am able to better serve You. Open my heart to all You have in store for me and what is to come. In Your Name, Amen.

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