Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yesterday was our last Spiritual Study Break (Worship) for the semester. We finished up the spiritual conversation on Christian Community. We explored the purpose of Christian Community and the problems of Christian isolationism guided by St. Paul's 2 letter to the Corinthians. Great discussion and we understand the balance of being in the world but not of it better now. I am going to miss worshiping with you all over the summer but our spiritual encounter with scripture will continue with our online Bible study starting June 1.

Thought or Meditation for the Week: The Christian's vocation is to be in the world, but not of it; to represent Christ in it and to intercede on its behalf…to identify ourselves with its sufferings but not with its attitudes …to befriend the world that Jesus befriended but not to compromise the truth Jesus taught. 

This Week's Discipleship Challenge:  Grow your compassion quota: Ask God to grow your love for others – “Love God with all your heart, soul, strength and your neighbor as yourself.” 

1 comment:

  1. I will surely miss you all! This has been one of the most important seasons in my life. I that at any age I will always look back on this time at FSU and say that. Always.
