I was unable to get the clip to come up, but here is the UCM Commercial. Just click on the link below and it should take you straight to the site! Thanks!
Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." We created this blog to encourage networking between different groups of people and provide an online space for Christians that wish to seek Him. We hope that this site will provide deeper insights and emphasize the importance of keeping faith in daily life. Welcome to our blog and please comment on discussions! We would love to hear from you!
Friday, December 14, 2012
"Everything" skit
Check out UCM's "Everything" skit! Featuring UCM members: Chris Dutcher, Ashleigh Friend, Cynthia Herrera, Michael Changwe, Rebecca Durand, Aaron Ware, and Tobias Roundtree.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Never Giving Up
Please read Psalm 31:24, 1 Corinthians 13:7, and Romans 12:12.
God doesn’t give up on us, which is a concept that can be hard to grasp. In our society we treat people “as they deserve.” If they’re cruel to us, we are entitled to be cruel back and vice versa. However the God of the universe wants us, even though we are creatures that curse Him, go against His will and forget Him. How much love must our Father have towards us if He refuses to give up on us?
I think something to consider, however, is how often do we give up on God? When we pray for days, weeks, months, even years and nothing has changed, what do we do? Do we even make it to months or years? For me, one of the hardest parts of being a Christian is not being able to physically see God. It’s easier to avoid or forget someone that you can’t physically see. You can’t bump into them on the street. You don’t get a phone call from them when they haven’t heard from you in a while. It’s easier to give up.
Reflect on what areas of your faith that you give up easily in. Then, end in prayer.
Dear God, I thank You for all You have done for me. Thank you for never giving up on me even when I didn’t deserve Your patience. I pray that You help me stay patient in my faith and grow to love You deeper. Lord, You know what is in store for me and I pray that I came to You through every storm and every sunny day. In Your Name, Amen.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Listen to the World, Listen to the King
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 ESV.
God calls us to speak to Him through prayer, providing a foundation for a closer relationship with our creator. Every Thursday I will post world and national events for you to pray for. By praying for others around us, not only do we acknowledge their need, but also acknowledge our need for Christ to come into our lives.
Pray for focus during finals and safety as we drive home for the holiday season.
A seven-year-old boy Bangladeshi boy was brutally attacked, beat, and cut open by a gang of four men. Although the boy recovered, he is still afraid to leave the house at night, has nightmares, and continues to carry his scars as a reminder of the attack.
Please pray that this boy will find peace, and that he will find security in God and his family. Pray that he can overcome this experience instead of letting it rule his life.
One family in Syria has been living underground for four months because of the strikes and unrest of their country. To escape the explosions, the family lives in the chamber despite the lack of fresh air or sunlight.
Pray for this family, but also pray for the country of Syria. Pray that peace will come to this country and that the people can feel safe again.
A West Point cadet, Blake Page claims that students participating in religious activities were treated above those who didn’t. Page expressed that he was forced to pray and discriminated against because he was nonreligious.
Pray that our military officers gain wisdom and understanding towards all cadets. Pray that Page’s encounter with forced religion doesn’t deter him from religion all together.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
His Beloved, His Own
I would like you to get a piece of paper and make three lists. In the first list, write adjectives describing how you think others would describe you. In the second, write adjectives you think describe you. In the third, write adjective you think describe how God views you.
Looking back over the lists, are they different? If so, why? In the last devotional, I discussed how God can see every part of us, even our dark sides. What does your God list reveal? Does this list show the ‘real’ you? Now, look at your lists one more time and ask yourself which list means the most to you.
I often wonder what God thinks of me. If He had my list, would He write down the same adjectives I did? Would He write down the same as your?
As a part of my “others list,” one of the adjectives I wrote down was quiet. Even when I was little, I was never the social butterfly, never the loud mouth. However I always knew that I wasn’t anti-social, that I liked talking to people and liked getting to know them. Before I could show that side, I was labeled as the quiet girl, the wallflower, and then it became who I was.
Looking over my lists, the word that jumped out at me was a word I had put on the “my list,” which was untrusting. Although I wouldn’t put this word on the “others list,” I think it goes along with why I was so quiet. For a long time, I didn’t trust others, myself, and especially not God. Not making connections with those around me was much easier than being rejected.
Think about how your lists relate to each other. Then, please watch Jason Gray’s video.
How often are we slaves to how the world views us? When those around us tell us we are ______(fill in the blank), do we listen? Do we let it become who we are?
Please read Colossians 3:1-17.
We are His beloved, yet is this how we view ourselves? As the Scripture says, we must have compassion, forgiveness, and patience towards those around us, despite how they view us. We are not of this world, but we are of God. Please end in a prayer of your own, or the one below.
Dear God, You have called me Your own, even though I don’t deserve that love. I pray that You give me a more grateful heart so that I can always remember all You have done for me. I wish to care only what You think of me, and not what the world thinks of me because You are my only concern. I take the time now to thank You, to praise Your name, and to open my heart to all You have in store for me. In Your Name Alone, Amen.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Uncovering the Darkness
Please listen to the following video. As you’re watching, imagine that the singer asking if God can love her, not another human being.
Kelly Clarkson has always been one of my favorite singers; her strong, powerful voice always pushes through melodies like it’s nothing. The song you just listened to is one of her newer songs, which is based on the situational problems people face, or rather their “dark side.” The underlying theme of the song is the need for acceptance, even when it’s not deserved. Even though the song seeks others’ acceptance, it comes close to the same kind of acceptance we ask of God.
How many times do we look at ourselves and wonder how God could continue to love us? As Clarkson’s lyrics say, “Will you love me?/ Even with my dark side?” Everyone has a part of them that they keep from others, that they guard secretly inside themselves, but how much do we try to cover up those faults?
Please read Job 22:12-14.
God can see every part of us, what we do, where we go, and who we are. As He watches us from Heaven, we can’t hide from Him. Does this scare you?
The filth and grim each of us carries doesn’t only show who we are, but shows who God is. Even though we have dark sides, unlovable parts of ourselves, He still calls us His own. So when we ask God, “Will you love me? Even with my dark side?,” He says yes.
Keeping in mind all that God does for us a daily basis, we should reflect on how grateful we are in response. Do we thank God for His forgiveness? Do we take advantage of His written word? Do we take time out of our schedule to talk to Him?
Please read Job 35: 9-10.
When we are hurt or need support, it can be easy to come to God for help. However when we are content, do we seek Him out? This week I would like you to reflect on whether you are showing God gratitude for His love. Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below.
Dear God, Despite all I have put You through, You continue to love me. Despite all the times I have forgotten You, You have never forgotten me. Despite every inch of filth in my heart, You continue to call me Your own. I take the time now to thank You for all You have done for me, and will do. You are so holy and so faithful, God. I’m sorry for all the time that I wasn’t faithful to You. I seek Your love, but most importantly, I strive to become more grateful for all You have given me when I deserved nothing. Thank You, Father. Amen.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Listen to the World, Listen to the King
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 ESV.
God calls us to speak to Him through prayer, providing a foundation for a closer relationship with our creator. Every Thursday I will post world and national events for you to pray for. By praying for others around us, not only do we acknowledge their need, but also acknowledge our need for Christ to come into our lives.
Continue prayers for victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Yesterday Yoselyn Ortega, a NY nanny was found not guilty of the charges of killing two of the children she took care of. Lucia Krim, 6, and Leo Krim, 2, were found stabbed to death in their home in the care of Ortega. When the children’s mother returned home, she found her children dead and Ortega stabbing herself. Ortega is said to be going through psychological evaluation.
Pray for Lucia and Leo’s parents and family through this hard time. Also, pray that Ortega can become accountable for her actions and seek out forgiveness.
Lindsay Lohan has been arrested yet again. After being involved in a nightclub fight, Lohan was taken into police custody today, likely to face criminal charges.
Pray that Lindsay is able to find guidance and direction in her life. Also, pray that she is able to find a support system that will help her become accountable for her actions.
Yesterday seven Coptic Egyptians were sentenced to death for connections to an anti-Islamic film. The film negatively portrays the Prophet Mohammad.
Pray for the families of those killed and also pray that the Egyptian government can give their people more freedoms.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Restart, Rejuvenate, Refresh
Sometimes life slowly changes before your eyes, so visible you can see the changes progressing, but life can also hurl you off the edge without warning, leaving you in a state of shock. The latter happened this past week; I received a phone call about the death of my best friend’s father, someone I had known since I was eight.
During the Thanksgiving break I attended the funeral service with a heavy heart. As I sat in the pew, I tried to envision every memory I had of him. He had always been a man of great wit, strong opinions and a trick up his sleeve without fail. More than once he convinced me something absurd was true and factual, when in fact it was anything but. As gullible as I am, I believed him every time while my best friend rolled her eyes next to me. But the strongest memory of his personality was his faith. He was one of the strongest examples of a role model Christian I have seen, always focusing on the Christian aspect of the situation. God gave him musical talents and he used them in church, singing in choir and playing piano. Even while he’s gone, he’s still impacting my life, showing me how I should appreciate life and how I should live for Jesus.
We must search for those who live out Jesus’ name. I should also mention that our example should always be Jesus Christ, not role model Christians because even the ‘best’ Christians make mistakes. But I think if we find people that live their lives for God, pushing their faith deeper and deeper so that it becomes all they are, we can find spiritual support. It also humanizes what we can become through Jesus.
Please read Acts 7:54-60.
What has always stuck out to me about this passage is the last line Stephen says before he dies. He says, “Lord, don’t blame them for what they have done” (CEV). Imagine how much faith this man must have had to be able to pray for his murderers as they were stoning him to death. He lived his life, even his last moments for God.
Reflect on your faith. Who in your life has been a Christian role model? How can you become one?
Everyone needs a refresher, something that pulls so hard on your heart that it changes you, makes you want to readjust your life. For me, I really needed to reflect on my life and how I was living out my faith, including how it might be impacting those around me. What will it take for you to refresh your faith? Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below.
Dear Lord, Sometimes I take Your love for granted and I don’t always reflect on how I’m living. Please bless me with a refreshed faith, that I am able to better serve You. Open my heart to all You have in store for me and what is to come. In Your Name, Amen.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Remembering Gratitude
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”- Oprah Winfrey
“Each one of you is a part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to love together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts, And be grateful. Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other, With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God. Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.” Colossians 3:15-17 (CEV)
It’s that time again; a time to stuff yourself, a time to give, a time to receive, a time to reflect on what you’re thankful for. Thanksgiving at my house consists of the typical turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce and my grandma’s pumpkin pie. Once our plates are overflowing with food, we go around the table and say what we’re thankful for, just as many do. I’ve always liked the thankfulness aspect of Thanksgiving, being able to reflect on how blessed I am. However beyond Thanksgiving I’ve come to find that I don’t always thank God as I should.
When large positive changes occur in my life, I thank God, I praise His name. I found out I received a hefty scholarship for my study abroad trip just last week. I recognized that God had provided this financial support for me and ultimately thanked Him for such a blessing. However when the daily stress and running around pull me down, I don’t always thank God. I am blessed in so many aspects of my life, yet I am still seeking how to live my life in a way that reflects how thankful I truly am.
Read watch the following video. Take the time to thank God now.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the schoolwork, jobs, relationships, or personal issues that we forget to think of what we already have. We start to take valuable things in our lives for granted because we’re so used to having them. Consider the quote below.
“I Am Thankful For…
… the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
...the taxes I pay because it means that I am employed.
...the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
...my shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
...a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means that I have a home.
...the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.
...all the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
...my huge heating bill because it means that I am warm.
...the lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means I can hear.
...the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.
...the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I'm alive.
...weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive.” –Unknown Author
Go get a piece of paper (yes, right now) and write down 25 things that you are grateful for. Hang the paper somewhere you will see it daily, such as on your door, where you leave your keys, etc. I want you to continuously look at this note throughout your day and maybe even add onto it in the next couple of weeks. After a month or two, look back at the note and think about if you’re still thankful for the things on your list and how these things have influenced your life.
Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below.
Dear Gracious God, There are so many things in my life that I have failed to thank You for. I often take advantage of all of the blessings in my life and instead focus on all the negatives. Move in me so that I can constantly seek You, that I can constantly reflect on all the goodness You’ve placed in my life. I thank You now for all You have done for me and will do in the future. In Your Name, Amen.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Listen to the World, Listen to the King
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 ESV.
God calls us to speak to Him through prayer, providing a foundation for a closer relationship with our creator. Every Thursday I will post world and national events for you to pray for. By praying for others around us, not only do we acknowledge their need, but also acknowledge our need for Christ to come into our lives.
Continue prayer for those affected by Hurricane Sandy; many were left homeless or had loved ones perish in the storm.
Maryland resident, Justine Jackson was found dead in a shallow grave near the Great Allegheny Passage trail. It is believed that her boyfriend, Jonathan Beal strangled and buried her. Jackson was missing for two months before her body was recovered. Beal has been found and detained.
Pray for the family and friends of Justine. Pray that they are able to support each other and get through this hard time.
Four were killed and 17 injured when a train hit a truck carrying a West Texas parade Thursday. The parade participants were saluting U.S. troops and although some were able to jump off in time, the accident was still deadly.
Pray for the victims of the accident and their loved ones.
Officials are gathering in South Korea to discuss possible restrictions on tobacco growing. Malawi in southeastern Africa is a top tobacco exporter, which worries tobacco farmers.
Pray for the officials’ wisdom during this decision making. Also, pray for these farmers, that they can rely on God through this worrisome time.
Monday, November 12, 2012
His Hands On the Wheel
Our UCM Chaplin once told us a story that still amazes me whenever I hear it. In college, she drove to an off-campus church on Sundays. She didn’t have much money to pay for gas and other expenses. One Sunday she looked at her tank, realizing she was almost completely out of gas, and began to worry. Desperate and uncertain, she prayed, asking God to help her get safely home. She started up her car, driving down the street, and her fuel meter began to rise as she drove. She reached where she needed to be.
Think of a time where God has helped you through an unlikely circumstance. Then, read 1 Kings 17:1-6.
Ravens fed Elijah. I can’t even imagine just sitting outside and watching ravens hand deliver (or rather claw deliver) my nourishment. Sometimes we forget what God is capable of, of what power He possesses over our world. The Bible is full of His miracles, but do we still look for them today? When things work out, do we thank God or let it go like it was no big deal?
This weekend I had to work Saferide (a van service that ensures safe transportation for students during the night). I wasn’t too excited about it. In my past experience receiving calls, I had been screamed at more than once and unappreciated for the work I put forth. Unhappy to go through the same mistreatment all over again, I began to stress about working. Before I left, I said a short prayer, asking God to help me get through it and push past the negativity. When I came to Saferide, some of the drivers were missing so the leader informed us that we would have to end early. Also, instead of answering the phones, I recorded students’ information. Although this wasn’t a momentous experience, I knew God had heard me and therefore provided for me.
Think about any doubts you have about schoolwork, relationships, work, etc. Do you believe God will deliver those needs? After considering this question, please end in your own prayer or the one below.
Dear God, You are my fortress when I am weak. I find comfort in knowing that You will always provide for me and Your love is so much stronger than my faults. Lord, I want to thank You for all You have done in my life and will continue to do. I don’t deserve Your love or grace, but I am so thankful that You still do anyways. In Your Name, Amen.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Finding the King
* picture taken from
Ed sat in the second row every Sunday, holding onto the chair to stand for prayer. He had a thick gray beard and a face worn by life. Every summer he led Vacation Bible school songs and skits, always smiling as little children began to clap and dance. He loved children and Jesus.
Watching this man from a distance, he seemed like an energetic man, a true man of God. But Ed wasn’t always this way. For many years, he was an alcoholic, getting himself in too deep in the wrong things. It was when he became Christian that he turned his life around and became someone else completely.
Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13.
When Samuel was choosing the next king, he instantly expected God to choose someone strong, experienced and aged. But God kept rejecting all Jesse’s sons until he got to David. David was the youngest and smallest of his brothers. Samuel was probably wondering what the heck God was up to, picking someone like this to be king. My favorite part of this passage is verse 7, which says, “People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts.” Isn’t it so relieving to know that God judges us by who we really are, who we are inside, rather than what we appear to be?
The world judges us by the clothes we wear, stuff we own and our past transgressions, but God can see beyond the outside. We can’t hide from God, can’t pretend.
Reflect on how this makes you feel. Does it make you happy that God sees your heart? Or does it make you nervous?
Because God doesn’t view people for worldly ideals, He usually uses the world’s least likely people to do great things. God saw the courage and strength in David’s heart rather than his physical appearance, and then used him for great things. How will God use you?
Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below.
Dear God, Your servant David had such a courageous and passionate heart for following You. I pray that You allow me to follow You with my whole heart. Please open me to all You have in store for me. In Your Name, Amen.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Just A Letter
Hebrews 12:2- "We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete..." (CEV)
For as long as I can remember, I have always been a writer. I’ve written stories, journal entries, poems, and even songs, but writing letters has always been my favorite. Talking has never been my thing, but when I write I feel myself pouring myself onto the pages, expressing all my thoughts and emotions. I never expected God to use this gift to benefit someone else.
Sometime in high school, I started attending my church’s youth group. My youth group was pretty exclusive and members unintentionally left others out. When I came to the events, I kept noticing a specific girl. Let’s called her AJ. AJ was quiet, appearing sad and out of place when I saw her. God really put her on my heart and I prayed for her unsure of what to do. Then, I decided to send her a letter.
Now I don’t remember what was in that letter, but it wasn’t for another year that I found out how much it had meant. The youth at my church participated in a weekend event called Teens Encountering Christ (TEC), and during the event, team members give short devotions to the group. During this particular weekend, AJ was giving a devotion. She started talking about TEC and how much it had impacted her life, letting her see God’s love. Then, without warning, AJ said that the only reason she had come to the TEC weekend for the first time was because of a letter. She didn’t call me out, but as soon as starting talking about the letter I knew. I had impacted someone with just a pen and paper, not realizing as I wrote that I’d alter someone’s decisions.
We never know how we’re going to impact someone and what will change someone’s life. If we allow God to guide our actions, we can spread His love.
Please watch the following music video.
If we view the world through Jesus’ eyes, what would we see? Would we notice those who are hurt, who are crying out? Would we notice places that God could use us? This week, I challenge you to look at the people who pass you, those who stand next to you in line, and those who sit next to you in class. Say a prayer for them and ask God to bless them. Ask God to use you this week and to open your eyes to the world. Please end in a prayer of your own or the one below. God bless.
Dear God, Please break my heart with what breaks Your heart. Let me see what You see when You look at those around me. Lord, move in me so that I can help spread Your love and grace. Challenge me to go outside of my comfort zone and truly help those around me. In Your Name, Amen.
If you have a story about how God has moved through you this week, please comment below and tell us about it!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
What A Friend
That person who’s there for you no matter what. Did someone come to your mind? Sure, friendships come and go, but we all have a least one person that never left. As Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.”
Read 1 Samuel 18:1-5.
After David killed Goliath, Saul (Jonathan’s father) became very jealous and angry. Saul sent Jonathan and his officers to kill David. However Jonathan loved David and warned him of his father’s plans. When Saul came after David, Jonathan helped David escape and hid him. Jonathan risked not only his life, but also his father’s respect when he stood up for David. Jonathan proved to be a loyal friend, loving David as himself.
Take the time to reflect on who your loyal friends are and thank God for their presence in your life.
Not only has God blessed us with friends on earth, but He also calls us His friend. John 15:15 says, “Servants don’t know what their master is doing, and so I don’t speak to you as my servants. I speak to you as my friends, and I have told you everything that my Father has told me.” When we have friends, how do we maintain the relationship? Do we talk to them? Spend time with them? Get to know them better? God desires this intimacy and conversation in our relationship with Him.
However our relationship with God is much greater than friendship. As Romans 5:10 says, “Even when we were God’s enemies, he made peace with us, because his Son died for us. Yet something even greater than friendship is ours. Now that we are at peace with God, we will be saved by his Son’s life.” In our friendships, we make sacrifices because we want to please the other person. We care about their well-being and therefore sacrifices aren’t a burden, but a joyful act. Jesus’ death on the cross reflects how deeply our Creator is in love with us.
Reflect on your relationship with Christ. Is it a friendship? Then, please end in the prayer below or a prayer of your own.
Dear Father, Thank You for always being there for me in my time of need and thank You for being my friend. Lord, I pray that You open my heart to this friendship between us. Allow me to speak to You as I would a best friend and allow me to carry You wherever I go. In Your Name, Amen.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Listen to the World, Listen to the King
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 ESV.
God calls us to speak to Him through prayer, providing a foundation for a closer relationship with our creator. Every Thursday I will post world and national events for you to pray for. By praying for others around us, not only do we acknowledge their need, but also acknowledge our need for Christ to come into our lives.
Continue pray for the presidential election in November.
Pray for all those affected by Hurricane Sandy; pray for families that have lost homes, loved ones, crops, livelihoods and their businesses. Pray that they are able to get the support and care that they need to continue forward.
During a Halloween celebration in Colombia, an explosion went off and two were killed and three children were injuried.
Pray for the victims’ friends and family, and for a speedy recovery for the children.
On Wednesday, a Lahore school was burned by a mob that claimed a teacher insulted the Prophet Muhammad. The school was a school for girls and was considered a good educational facility in Lahore.
Pray for the safety of the teacher and principal. Also, pray for all the girls that are now denied their education because their school building has been burned.
Amnesty International reported that Nigerian security forces and militant Islamist group have tortured and killed many in the Muslim north. On Sunday, a Christian church was bombed, killing eight.
Pray for the people of Nigeria and pray for their government, that the right people will led these people. Also, pray that the people can come together despite their religious differences.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Having Jesus Fever
Please read the excerpt from page 142 of Francis Chan’s “Crazy Love” book.
“As I said before, my wife’s grandma Clara offered a real-life example of a person consumed with Jesus. I once attended a play with my wife and some of her relatives, including Grandma Clara. During intermission, I leaned over and asked what she thought of the play. She said, ‘Oh honey, I really don’t want to be here right now.’ When I asked why, she replied, ‘I just don’t know if this is where I want to be when Christ returns. I’d rather be helping someone or on my knees praying. I don’t want Him to return and find me sitting in a theater.’”
When I read this story, I was so thrown off by Grandma Clara’s response. There are so many times during each day that I waste in front of the television or on social media outlets, yet I don’t always consciously think about how much time I’m taking away from God. What would God think if He returned and found me updating my latest status? Would I be proud of that? Would He? Grandma Clara raises some questions about who we should be as Christians.
Read the following Bible passages: Matthew 16:27, Matthew 24:36-39 and Mark 8:36-38.
In his book, Francis Chan says that Christians need to be obsessed with their relationship with God. We are called to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength; therefore He must become the focal point of our everyday life.
Think about the number of times you pray every day and now think about how long those prayers last. Are they prayers that are cut off because you’re falling asleep in the middle of them? Are they prayers that are mumbled quickly before you scramble to class? The importance of prayers isn’t necessarily about the amount of time spent, but rather the amount of surrender put into it. When we take time out of every day and set it aside for God, and only God, we are showing Him that we care about our faith relationship.
Spending time with God shouldn’t be a chore, nor should it become something done out of habit, but rather you should look forward to it. When you fall deeper in love with Christ, you want to talk to Him and you want to spend time with Him.
Please listen to the following video and reflect on your prayer life.
End in a prayer of your own or the one below.
Dear God, I haven’t always followed You as I should. I ask You to open my heart now as I take the time to offer my gratitude for all You have done in my life and have yet to do. I want to fall deeper in love with You, Jesus. I want my every decision to be based on You and I desire Your input in every aspect of my life. I love you, Father, and I thank You for never giving up on me. In Your Name, Amen.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Listen to the World, Listen to the King
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 ESV.
God calls us to speak to Him through prayer, providing a foundation for a closer relationship with our creator. Every Thursday I will post world and national events for you to pray for. By praying for others around us, not only do we acknowledge their need, but also acknowledge our need for Christ to come into our lives.
Continue prayer for the presidential election.
Yesterday ten L.A. businesses in a strip mall were damaged after a fire started.
Pray for the business owners that have to deal with the damages and pray that they are able to recover what has been lost.
Last night over 50 people were killed and hundreds of homes burned in Burma. Issues between the Rakhine Buddhists and Muslims have risen, but it is still unclear why the violence occurred.
Pray for victims of this violence and their families. Pray that peace will come to this nation.
Two Americans killed on patrol in Afghanistan have been identified as David O’Connor and Channing Day.
Pray for the victim’s families who have just heard about these deaths. Pray for healing and strength during this hard time.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Taking Steps Forward
A soft rustling sound was coming from the back of the wood stack as my sister and I sat on the garage steps. I peered over the stack, and sure enough, I could see a tiny gray ball of fur and green eyes squinting at me. The stray kitten pushed himself further behind the wood, trying to escape our sight.
Even as we put a bowl of food out, the kitten still looked from the bowl to us to the bowl to us. He couldn’t decide if it was worth the risk. My sister and I stood further away from the pile, watching the kitten poke his head out and then scramble towards the bowl. He chewed quickly, crunching down on the dry paw-print food as if he hadn’t eaten in a few weeks, which might have been true.
As soon as I took a step forward, he paused, staring at me, as if trying to read my mind. I stepped forward again and he darted behind the wood pile, not bothering to look back. He was like this for a few weeks, letting me only a few steps closer before hiding. It became frustrating because I knew I wasn’t going to hurt him, and by now, he should have known this as well; I was feeding him after all. However he continued to act as though I’d change my mind any moment and harm him.
One day I was sitting on the garage stairs, watching as the slightly bigger ball of fur sat before me eating his dinner. He glanced up at me as he ate. As he continued to eat, I slid myself onto the floor beside him. He stopped. We both just stared at each other, moments passing and going as we waited. And then he stepped forward to sniff me, still glancing up at me as he took in my now familiar smell. I reached out my hand, as I had done so many times before and always getting a running-and-hiding response. However this time, he let me pet him. As I pet his fluffy fur, I could feel the fragile bones from his back and I realized how small he truly was. Then, he scurried away, as if to say, “Okay, that’s enough for one day,” and returned to his wood pile safe haven.
When I thought about this story later, I realized how it paralleled many Christians’ experiences to God. How many times have we viewed God as a stranger rather than a friend? We could see God reaching out His hand, yet we didn’t trust that He would follow through. Sometimes we turn away from God, not because we fear Him, but because we fear being let down by Him. What if we trust this Almighty being, but He doesn’t follow through? Or what if we end up in pain instead of joy?
Reflect on a time that you didn’t trust God. What was the result of that situation?
God reaches out His hand to us constantly, offering His love and assistance. He loves us and wants to take care of us. However if we don’t let Him get closer to us, how can we expect to grow in our relationship with Him? How can we expect to see Him as a friend rather than a stranger?
When the kitten finally allowed me to embrace him, even though it was only for a few seconds, I felt overjoyed. I knew that we had gained a stronger sense of trust in each other. God wants this for us too. He desires a close bond with His creation and He desires your trust.
Read Psalm 9:10 and Proverbs 3:5. Think about what you can do this week to increase your trust in God. Please end in prayer.
Dear Father, I thank You for all You are to this world and to me. I pray that You open my heart to a deeper understanding of Your love and grace. I want to give my life to You, Lord. I want to trust in You through everything I go through. I pray that You give me the strength and courage to trust in You no matter the circumstance. Remind me that You will never fail me when I am in fear. In Your Name, Amen.
Friday, October 19, 2012
When Words Fail
Read Jeremiah 1:4-8—
“The Lord said: ‘Jeremiah, I am your Creator and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me to the nations.’
I replied, ‘I’m not a good speaker, Lord, and I’m too young.’
‘Don’t say you’re too young,” the Lord answered. ‘If I tell you to go and speak to someone, then go! And when I tell you what to say, don’t leave out a word! I promise to be with you, and keep you safe, so don’t be afraid.’”
When doubts arise in our faith, it is usually due to fear, and whether we realize it or not, mistrust in God. Even though we know in the back of our minds that nothing is impossible through God, we still worry.
Reflect on a time that you felt God leading you one way, but you didn’t follow.
Read Exodus 4: 1-13.
Moses was also a biblical doubter when God asked him to speak to the Egyptians. In verses 10-13, Moses complains about God’s command, asking Him to send someone else. Now, when God asks us to do something, He will never force us to carry out those actions. He gave us free will and He would never take away that right. When Moses asked God to send someone else, although God was unhappy by this disobedience, God sent Moses’ brother, Aaron to speak. God still provides for us even when we go against Him. Please end in the prayer below or a prayer of your own.
Dear God, You are so mighty and so loving. Lord, when You ask me to follow You, I pray that You give me the strength to follow through. I pray that You help me focus on Your strength instead of my own fear in hard situations. Work in me so that I can spread Your love and grace to all I come into contact with. In Your Name, Amen.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Listen to the World, Listen to the King
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 (ESV)
God calls us to speak to Him through prayer, providing a foundation for a closer relationship with our creator. Every Thursday I will post world and/or national events that need prayer. By praying for others around us, not only do we acknowledge their need, but also acknowledge our need for Christ to come into our lives.
Please continue prayers for the presidential election.
A Swazi woman reported that after her parents’ death, she has prostituted to five men daily in order to eat. Swaziland has the highest rate of HIV and AIDS in the world and because of lack of jobs, many women result to sex work.
Pray for this woman and all people in similar circumstances throughout the world. Pray that they are able to find stable jobs and rest from this sexual exploitation.
A 20-year-old Afghan woman, Mah Gul was beheaded by her mother-in-law for refusing to prostitute herself. Some Afghan women and girls are forced into marriages, where their husbands force them into prostitution. Afghan women have very limited freedoms in education and independence because of the Taliban restrictions.
Pray for all of the women in Afghanistan facing cruel punishments, torture, abuse and injustice. Pray that the Afghanistan society can recognize these cruelties and allow their women members to gain more freedoms.
Evidence has recently been revealed that showed over a thousand cases of sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts of America.
Pray for the victims of this sexual abuse and for healing for both victims and their families. Allow victims to find justice against the criminals that violated them.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Having Transparent Light
You’re such a good person. You’re never mean to anyone. You have a perfect life.
Each of these phrases has been said to me one time or another, mostly in high school. However during those years I was the angriest, the most self-damaging, and the most imperfect I had ever been. Outward appearances are misleading, aren’t they? The most shocking of those phrases was that my life was perfect. What does that word “perfect” even mean? Without fault? Without pain? Without problems? But I had all of those things, so why were people viewing me that way?
Whenever someone said this to me, all I could ever say was that no, my life was so less than perfect. Yet even I knew that my words weren’t convincing anyone. I think so many non-Christians view Christianity as a religion seeking perfection. They see that Christians strive to keep away from sin and temptations, but they don’t see the love involved in this process. As Christians we should strive to live by Christ’s example not because some rules say so, but because we love Christ and want to please Him.
None of us are perfect and that’s exactly why we have to seek out a perfect God. I think the reason people viewed me as perfect was because I was careful to never reveal what I was feeling. If I was sad, I pushed past it while I was at school. Had I not been so guarded, perhaps I could have related to more people. As Christians, we need to be transparent, reflecting our heart and staying consistent in all parts of our lives.
Read John 11:33-35 and 14:9. Reflect on what this says about being transparent.
Jesus, son of God wept. Jesus reflected his transparency through his open emotions. When expressing moments of sadness, those around us are able to see our pain and our troubles. In John 14:9, Phillip is told that he can see God through Jesus, that all that Jesus is and does is through God. As Christians we need to be so transparent that when others see us, they see God.
Please read Philippians 1:9-10: “It is my prayer that your love may be more and more accompanied by clear knowledge and keen perception, for testing things that differ, so that you may be men of transparent character, and may be blameless, in preparation for the day of Christ.”
Watch the following video and reflect on how transparent your faith is.
End in the following prayer or with your own.
Dear God, I am not perfect and I know that I have disappointed You many times. But God, I pray that You allow me to learn from those experiences and allow me to find strength as I seek Your light. Help me be transparent. Let those around me see that I am an imperfect being, serving a perfect God. Never let me forget my purpose, being a light. Amen.
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