Thursday, February 20, 2014

Run Less † Pray More

For all of you who instantly read the title and wondered if I was telling you to stop exercising, I promise I’m not. Don’t stop the healthy gym-time because a blog title said so. Not that any of you would ever need an excuse to not go to the gym when it’s two degrees outside and the gym is a hike away. Right?

What I mean by ‘run less’ is that we should stop running further away from God. Our faith should instead be a constant stride towards Him.

What in your life are you running away from? And what are you running towards?

Notable for being swallowed alive because of his stubbornness, Jonah is forever remembered as the man who ran from God. God told him to go to Nineveh, a city full of sin, but Jonah disobeyed and sailed as far as he could from God.

All of us have been a Jonah, sometimes more than we’d like to admit. However, the further we run, the more we drown.

Why do we do this? A favorite quote of mine from the Doorposts of Your House blog says this is because, “We can’t do what God is telling us to do. It’s too hard. So we buy our ticket to run away from God, and as soon as our ship launches, the loving storms of God’s relentless pursuit descend on us, and everyone on that ship suffers along with us.”

Jonah thought he could outrun God, but as we know, God has stronger stamina. God knows what is best for us and He wants us to do His will. If this is too difficult, we may run.

So what is good about the story of Jonah? Read Jonah 2:1-10.

God answers our prayers even when we disobey and run from what He calls us to do. Not only did God command the whale to spit Jonah up, but He continued to provide for him after he spoke to Nineveh.

I know this blog is title says to ‘run less,’ but instead I challenge you to run towards God. As Francis Chan said, “…when we love God, we naturally run to Him- frequently and zealously.”

Please end in the prayer below or one of your own.

Dear Father, I know that I have been Jonah and I have run away from Your grace and purpose. Today I thank You for continuing to seek me even in my disobedience. Right now, I am choosing to run towards You. I know this will not be easy, but I desire Your will. Please keep me strong as I continue this journey. Amen. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fight Less † Pray More

On a day like today, what are you fighting?

Now, if you’re in Frostburg, perhaps it’s the cold, or the urge to watch movies instead of catching up on schoolwork. I will admit that I fought the urge to play in the snow. I lost.

Most of the time when we think of fighting, we think of a confrontation between two or more individuals. These could be physical or verbal fights that eventually led to physical or emotional injury.

However, I want you to focus on fights within yourself and with God.

Please read Genesis 32:22-32.

Okay, maybe none of us have physically fought with God. But how many times have we fought His will? How many times have we let sin overtake us rather than following His way? As you watch Andy Savage’s video, I want you to think about these questions. Click here

“He seeks to wrestle with us for our good. He wants to wrestle the dysfunction out of us.”

Andy asks this question: What is the sin that is standing in the way of you fulfilling God’s promise?

When we fight God’s will, we are also fighting the Holy Spirit within us. If we choose to let sin win, we experience fading happiness and then ultimately, guilt. We hold all of this in, while fighting the One who wants to save us, to save us from ourselves.

I want you to think again of Andy’s question.

What is the sin that is standing in the way of you fulfilling God’s promise?

Return to Genesis 32:22-32. Now, I want you to consider the kind of man Jacob was. His name literally means, “He deceives” and he lived up to his name. Remember that he and his mother Rebekah cheated his brother, Esau out of his birthright and blessing.

Read over Genesis 32:29. After Jacob had wrestled with God, it was then that he was blessed. God then gave Jacob the name, Israel, which means “he struggles with God.”

It is through Jacob’s story that we see how God blesses the imperfect, not because of who we are, but because of who God is.

So, I ask you again. What is the sin that is standing in the way of you fulfilling God’s promise?

Please end in the prayer below or a prayer of your own.

Dear God, You know my sin and yet You still call me Your own. I thank You for loving me unconditionally. This sin of_____ has continued to rule my life and I am now giving You control. Please forgive what I have done and give me the strength to live my life to fulfill Your purpose. Amen.  

**Photo from Tumblr. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fear Less † Pray More

“God’s perfect love drives out fear.” -1 John 4:18

Sometime or another we have been asked what our biggest fear is. Usually responses include snakes, heights, or public speaking.

However, there are deeper explanations behind these fears.

When we fear spiders, what we fear is injury or harm. When we fear heights, we are afraid of our lack of control. And of course, when we fear public speaking, we are afraid of rejection or choking on our words.

What moments or experiences have you missed out on because of fear?

Please read Acts 18:1-14, which speaks on Paul preaching to the Jews and Greeks. 

What stands out to me in these verses is when God tells Paul to not be silent. As Christians, we are called to tell the world of God’s name. How often do we do this?

Challenge: This week I would like you to think about your fears and how they are holding you back. What can you do to change this? One solution is to pray. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He wants us to speak to Him about what is holding us back.

Fear the world less and in moments of panic, remember who is above all worldly things. 

Please finish in the prayer below or a prayer of your own.

Dear Father, Many times my fears get in the way of my faith. I ask You to strengthen me in times of doubt and lead me towards salvation. I will strive to become more fearless and stay motivated through prayer. In Your name. Amen. 

If you have specific prayer requests for this week, please let us know either by commenting below or visiting our Facebook page, “FSU United Campus Ministry.” We look forward to hearing from you!