Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Victory over Storms

By Dammey Gbenro, FSU Graduate Student and Graduate Assistant Computer Science Department, Peer Minister United Campus Minister

Read it:  Read each scripture twice, slowly.  After the second reading discuss the word or phrase that struck you or stood-out.  This is the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart to pay attention here.  What might the Holy Spirit be trying to say to you today through this verse, phrase or word?
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41; Verse to meditate on: “Psalm 34:19 – Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them all”

Listen/Watch it: Still by Hillsong:

In 2 Kings 4:18-26, we read of how a rich benevolent woman, who sowed so much into the life of a man of God had her barrenness broken, and how the son later died but was raised back to life. One lesson we learn here is that the fact that you have God does not mean that you won’t face troubles in life. Problems are part of life for everyone irrespective of religious beliefs. That you were saved means that you have escaped from Satan’s prison. The difference between a Christian and a non-christian here is that in times of storms, you already have the Prince of Peace with you, with just a word from Him, the storm will cease.
Some believers think that if you are in God’s will or if you obey God’s instructions-for instance in taking a particular individual as your spouse in marriage, you will never have issues. This is not true, the truth is: When problems come on account of obeying God, you can confidently return to Him and ask Him to take care of it.

In John 16:33, Jesus says in spite of your trouble, be joyful because His victory over the world will secure your victory over that situation. If you look carefully at Isaiah 43:2, you will understand that we must go through fires and rivers. If God will use you for His greater purpose and glory, then you should be prepared to go through not only the rivers, but also the fire, but there will be no reason to fear because He will be with you. The fire will not consume you but it will be an instrument of purifying you. Jesus was in the same boat with His disciples and yet the storm arose, that He is your boat does not insure you against storms but that your boat will never sink. The Prince of Peace is with you. Your victory is certain.

Key Point: Just as problems are bound to come, because you have Jesus, you too are bound to overcome. It’s a balanced equation.

Discuss it:  Have you had problems that you know God was at work that you were able to overcome?  What was God working in you during that storm? 

Live it:  When trouble comes your way do you “blame God” for it or do you look for the glory that will come if you rely on God to the victory that is to come?  Do you want God to make it easy for you or do you say – God you and I can make it through this and I will be a better person for it and you will be glorified in it? 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lift High the Cross

Welcome to the summer weekly Bible study! Open with a few minutes of silent prayer to center yourself to become aware of God’s presence. Then dive in: watch or listen, read the scripture, add your discussion or thoughts, and live it out this week! Close your time in prayer.

Lift High the Cross
by Jeffrey C. Ilechie, Major: Biology/Pre-Med at Frostburg State University and Leader of  Salvation & Praise Bible Study Group

Read it:  Read each scripture twice, slowly.  After the second reading discuss the word or phrase that struck you or stood-out.  This is the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart to pay attention here.  What might the Holy Spirit be trying to say to you today through this verse, phrase or word?
Scripture:  1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5; Key verse: The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.  1 Corinthians 1:18

In this concise account we find two responses to cross-preaching and two descriptions of those who thus respond.  First, there are those to whom the cross of Christ is foolishness. They see no need for anyone to die on their behalf or to take away their sins; the idea of a savior is to them folly. The suggestion of a Lord is repulsive.
This response can take the form of outright derision for Christ and his claims, or it can be (and most often is) displayed by an utter indifference to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Personal goals are pursued, pleasure is sought after, family and friends are delighted in - all without any regard to the claims of Christ upon their lives. These people, Paul tells us, are perishing.

On the other hand, there are those to whom the preaching of the cross comes with the decimating, life-altering, Christ-exalting power of God. The cross is suddenly seen to be the only hope for ruined and reckless sinners. Rather than being despicable, the cross is the source of their glorying and rejoicing.

Discuss it: 
To whom does the cross come with such irresistible force? To those who are saved. Not only will they be saved, but they are saved now.  Which response describes you?

Live it: 
This week as you move through the week consider the power of the cross and those you know who need to experience its power, then offer prays for them, and look for the opportunity to share the power you have experienced through the cross of Christ. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Does My Life Have Meaning?

Welcome to the summer 2013 weekly Bible study! Open with a few minutes of silent prayer to center yourself to become aware of God’s presence. Then dive in: watch or listen, read the scripture, add your discussion or thoughts, and live it out this week! Close your time in prayer.

Does My Life Have Meaning? 

Listen/Watch:  Run by Sanctus Real

Read:  Read each scripture twice, slowly.  After the second reading discuss the word or phrase that struck you or stood-out.  This is the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart to pay attention here.  What might the Holy Spirit be trying to say to you today through this verse, phrase or word?

Scripture:  Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 and Psalm 139:1-14. 

Ecclesiastes is the book in the Bible which starts out with a person depressed and trying to find meaning for life.  The writer explores all the things available to give one pleasure but in the end finds it all meaningless -- running in circles or “chasing after the wind.” Solomon pointed out in the opening chapter of Ecclesiastes that life is like running around a track.  I always hated track days in school.  Running in circles can be boring; we pass the same things over and over, leading us nowhere.  Solomon reminds us that when life becomes like this we often wonder if there is any point to it all. 
In Psalm 139:1-14, the word that struck me was “knitted,” knitted me together.  I told one of my students recently that while we are created by human parents; God’s spirit is also at work forming our lives from beginning to end.  We call this grace, prevenient grace.  Prevenient is one of those “church speak” words, which means “the grace that goes before awareness.”  It is a word that describes the reality that God is working in our life before we are aware of it; that is the “grace that goes before awareness.”   We are free to cooperate with that grace or resist it.  We are not aware of “prevenient grace” until we look back and see how the various pieces of life are fitting together; that is before we can see what God has been doing with us and in us we often have to take a look back or take a wider view.  When we root the meaning of life in who God says we are and who we are becoming, we find joy in the journey. When we take a moment to contemplate our life in light of this “prevenient grace” dynamic our life, like the psalmist’s, it is an experience of “awe.”    It is only in the knowledge of where we stand in that primary relationship between my Being and God – my “with-God” reality -- that gives my life stability, purpose, and joy in all the good and bad circumstances that I encounter on this short journey that will then bleed into eternity.

Discuss it:  Do you ever question God’s purpose for your life?  Do you or have your turned to the world for the answers you seek?  Looking back – that is contemplate your life in light of the reality of “prevenient grace” – where can you now see God molding, forming and directing you? 

Live it:  As you go through your week – Live in the knowledge that God is at work, often in invisible ways, all around you.  Take some time to take a "wider look" back over your life -- where was God working?  Try to become more aware and see the meaning and purpose each day holds in a “with-God” life.